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Economic operators invited to invest in special economic zones

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The team from the Agence d’administration des zones économiques spéciales (AAZES), led by its Managing Director, Ousmane Djougourou, met with economic operators on May 24, 2023. The aim is to show them the opportunities offered by these economic zones.

From the outset, the Managing Director of the Agency for the Administration of Special Economic Zones (AAZES) pointed out that a country’s wealth is based on a private sector that has the necessary skills to produce. « Production is not the government’s mission. The government must promote the private sector to produce, to create wealth, to create jobs, » declared Ousmane Djougourou.

But, he observes, given the embryonic state of Chad’s private sector, it is the government, through the civil service, that is the main provider of jobs. However, notes the CEO of AAZES, the country has a lot of potential. « That’s why the government has created special economic zones to exploit this potential.

Ousmane Djougourou reports that Arise, a partner in the livestock-meat sector, is present in seven special economic zones (ZES). He promises that these SEZs will be developed in the country’s 23 provinces. « There is no exclusivity reserved for the partner who is there. The special economic zones were created first and foremost to provide facilities for our economic operators, » asserts the CEO of AAZES.

Ousmane Djougourou therefore invites Chadian economic operators to invest in the SEZs. While he acknowledges that, in the past, legislation did little to facilitate investment, he notes that there is now an investment incentive law that offers many facilities and tax exemptions. « The conditions of access to special economic zones are also facilitated by the texts, » he urges economic operators. »The conditions of access to special economic zones are also facilitated by the texts, » he urges economic operators.



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