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The Agency for the Administration of Special Economic Zones and the African Union Development Agency design an aide-memoire

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For three days, teams from the Agency for the Administration of Special Economic Zones (AAZES) and the African Union Development Agency worked on the development of an aide-memoire.

This document defines the areas in which the country will benefit from the expertise of the African Development Agency. These include training, planning and development strategies for special economic zones.

As part of our activities and the challenges we face, we have written to the African Union Development Agency. Before turning to our usual partners, we wanted to benefit from the experience, support and guidance of this agency, which is familiar with African realities. Special economic zones must be adapted to our needs and realities, » explains Ousmane Djougourou, Managing Director of AAZES.

Chad has « enormous economic capacity », says the director. But « we are struggling to build an economy that meets the aspirations of our people ». With AAZES and the new partnerships being forged, « failure is not an option ».

It should be noted that the establishment of special economic zones has been strongly criticized by certain civil society players, who denounce a land grab without respect for the laws in force. The AAZES director describes these protests as « petty calculations » on the part of politicians.


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